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New Logo Design Droofin

By EJ Toudt · February 12, 2021

Logo Design | Product Design

So, I got a freelance job to redesign a logo for a local Drink Delivery company. They deliver out of an old ice cream truck to your house. Their current logo was a little sterile. Droofin, which is Scottish for “I need a drink,” was also going to mainly focus on delivering craft beer. So, I did a little research and developed a couple of logo options, one based on a vintage beer logo look and the other on a pub-style logo that would nod to their Scottish namesake. Check it out! Super happy with them, still waiting to hear their reaction.

Their original logo:

My vintage beer looks based off of beer logos of old:

Logo Design, Beer Company, Droofin, Graphic Designer, brand marketing
Logo Design, Beer Company, Droofin, Graphic Designer, brand marketing
Logo Design, Beer Company, Droofin, Graphic Designer, brand marketing

Pub-Style look:

Logo Design, Beer Company, Droofin, Graphic Designer, brand marketing

Merch examples of how they can be used. (Note: Augmented the ‘F’ to make it a little more legible as an ‘F’ per feedback.)

Logo Design, Beer Company, Droofin, Graphic Designer, brand marketing
Logo Design, Beer Company, Droofin, Graphic Designer, brand marketing
Logo Design, Beer Company, Droofin, Graphic Designer, brand marketing
Logo Design, Beer Company, Droofin, Graphic Designer, brand marketing
Logo Design, Beer Company, Droofin, Graphic Designer, brand marketing, Product Design
Logo Design, Beer Company, Droofin, Graphic Designer, brand marketing, Product Design
Logo Design, Beer Company, Droofin, Graphic Designer, brand marketing, Product Design
Logo Design, Beer Company, Droofin, Graphic Designer, brand marketing, Product Design
Logo Design, Beer Company, Droofin, Graphic Designer, brand marketing
Logo Design, Beer Company, Droofin, Graphic Designer, brand marketing, Product Design
Logo Design, Beer Company, Droofin, Graphic Designer, brand marketing, Product Design
Logo Design, Beer Company, Droofin, Graphic Designer, brand marketing, Product Design