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Marketing, Uncategorized

Instagram and Spotify song graphics for The LifeHacks

By EJ Toudt · January 7, 2021

So a member of the band The LifeHacks hit me up to do some social graphics for some of their upcoming songs. One image and look per song based on how I felt it should look like based on song feel and lyrics. I had a lot of fun with this one during these quarantine […]


New Logo, New Customer

By EJ Toudt · March 9, 2020

Did some logos for a local chiropractor. His business is chiropractic care but mixed with a fitness aspect. He ended up loving both and can’t decide. Which one is your favorite?

Art, Editorial, Uncategorized

Oyster Plates

By EJ Toudt · February 8, 2020

I never knew there was such a thing as oyster plates until I art directed this photoshoot of an incredible collection of plates on the eastern shore of Virginia. Photographer Eric Lusher captured everything beautifully. Setting up the multi-plate shot was one of my favorites of the shoot. I also like the headline treatment I […]